
House Ownership vs Condominium Ownership

Wea??re going to talk about the pros and cons of House Ownership versus Condominium Ownership. This is a questions you should ask your Daytona Beach Realtor.
House Ownership Pros
If youa??re thinking of buying a single family house instead of a condo one of the first pros to come to mind is the Freedom to Renovate and upgrade as you wish. You literally can do anything that you want to and inside your house. Colors and styles, doors and windows anything you can imagine you can do. It is your house.
To cut or not to cut the lawn that is the question. You see again it is up to you. The only thing you have to worry about is the municipal bylaw for cleanliness and that can really be stretched as Ia??m sure youa??re aware of someone in your current neighbourhood that doesna??t seem to take care of their yard.
Do you want pets and what type of pets do you want? It is your decision once again.
You only pay for the utilities and amenities that you use. You dona??t pay for someone to cut your lawn if you dona??t want someone to cut your lawn. You dona??t pay to heat rooms you dona??t use. You can keep your house temperature at a level that youa??re comfortable and dona??t have to worry about paying the heat for someone who keeps their window open all night and the heat turned up.
Your Daytona Beach Realtor is fully informed on the ownership issues. Be sure to ask a lot of questions.
House Ownership Cons
There is a lot more work for upkeep and maintenance on the house and it is all up to you. Windows, doors,christian louboutin, siding, roof and sidewalk it is all up to you to maintain and clean and keep in good working order. As well as keeping it in good working order it is up to you to bear the entire cost of maintenance on the property. The cost of the gas you use for heat or the electric you use for cooling is all a cost to you.
Expenses vary monthly or seasonally so make sure you can budget for the different seasons. You will use more electricity in the summer for air conditioning or more gas in the winter for heating.

Condominium Ownership Pros
Typically your Condo Fee covers all your monthly maintenance costs. This amount comes from your Condo Board Estimating the cost of all the maintenance for the year and dividing it up into a monthly cost per unit and that is what you pay. You can always attend your condo board meetings and even become a board member if you have a concern as to how the fees are calculated and how the money is being used.
Utilities may also be included in the Condo Fees. So have your Daytona Beach Realtor check to see what is included in the condo fees. The listings usually show what all is included.
No yard work. No landscaping. Most condos have this included in the condo fees. The board ensures that all the maintenance of the yard is taken care of out of the condo fees.
Easy to budget as the monthly fees are typically set for the 12 month period and usually there is a 3 month notice if they are going to raise the condo fees for any reason. Most condo boards try to ensure that the condo fees stay stable because they are owners as well and they have to pay them just like you.
Your Daytona Beach Realtor can help you decide if a Condo is right for you.

Condo Cons
Rules,nike kengat, Rules,rolex watches, Rules and yup a?“ more Rules. Condos come with rules or things called bylaws and when you purchase the condo you also agree to live by the bylaws of the condo. These rules are in place to tell you want you can and cana??t do. Because you only own the inside walls and in of your condo the rest of the complex is owned together with the other owners. This then requires rules to determine what you can do in the common areas and what you cana??t.
You have little or no control of your monthly fees. These are set by the budget of the condo board and what they are paying for to maintain the property. You cana??t adjust the amount you pay for the heat by turning down yours. It literally wona??t affect it one bit.
You have to ask permission for a lot of stuff. Things such as changing your flooring may require board approval. They may have some restrictions on what type of flooring to keep noise down for the rest of the people in the building. They also want to know if you are changing anything that might change the structure of the building.
Pets? You might have to ask permission. You might not be able to have them at all. It may be in the big rule book so ask!
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